Hesitance in a sentence as a noun

"Why the hesitance to engage in the pursuit of what you profess to care about?

I didn't read the article thoroughly, but it only seemed to touch upon a hesitance to _only_ serve them.

Part of my hesitance to be persuaded that a Star Trek economy could possibly work is that in some senses it already has.

You must be rather battle-hardened from your experience over the years, and I know there are others who share your hesitance to use a system like this.

Cool, I've done so.\nMy hesitance is based upon performance, learning curve, difficulty of selection and perceived lack of benefits.

Although I have my fair share of hesitance at worshiping cloud services, the fact that a service is "cloud" has nothing to do with the quality of its architecture.

The one hesitance I have is about the Figshare/DOI'd repo being frozen in time - I keep making arguments to myself about how this is a good idea or a bad idea.

This leaves you to try and explain it to someone who will see your hesitance to sign and take it to mean that you are either planning on leaving the job quickly or that you will not follow authority.

My hesitance to continue this debate is that I find places like HN and reddit to be pretty hostile audiences, and engaging in the conversation occupies more of my thoughts than I find it should.

Hesitance definitions


a feeling of diffidence and indecision about doing something

See also: hesitancy