Heretical in a sentence as an adjective

You can rant at heretical thoughts all you want.

If a statement is false, that's the worst thing you can say about it. You don't need to say that it's heretical.

" Another class of readers will see the heretical title and think, "When are diehards like Knuth going to get with it?

At the risk of saying something heretical on HN, I wish we'd all stop the mindless MBA bashing.

I know this will probably sound heretical, but I think that there's no such thing as an "unfair advantage".

I just don't see anything crazy, or heretical, or awesome here.

" Anyone with the heretical gall to ask an ironist what he actually stands for ends up looking like a hysteric or a prig.

If you wanted to have a native interface with Java computations code, you were thinking heretical thoughts.

Indeed, the very concept of a "heretical but true" statement was impossible to comprehend.

This stems from the conflict and fragmentation that rash statements have caused in the past, which have included millenia-long strife with the Catholic Church and various groups regarded as sects or heretical splinter churches.

If feminism's outsider status makes it easier for feminists to think heretical thoughts about computation then perhaps we shouldn't be surprised if feminists are a good source of ideas about these things.

A "mis-use of JS"?It's certainly non-canonical - but I'd argue that many "standard" common practices got their start being just as heretical and then were later replaced by standardized ceremonial ways of doing things.

I know this might sound a tad heretical, but if Watson gets to be as good as or better than a doctor, do we really need doctors anymore?The theoretical upper bound on Watson's ability is a lot higher than the theoretical upper bound on a doctor's, since it can make inferences based on a vastly larger data set.

Harland not only designed an alternative computing architecture, but also presented heretical ideas about programming language design, formalized into his 'principle of abstraction':"Realising that calculus has actually got nothing at all to do with either differentiation or integration, but is actually a set of rules for lexicographical transformations, with differential calculus and integral calculus being two examples, I came to the conclusion that there is a fundamental principle for the design of a programming language based on an interpretation of the process of abstraction in terms of a calculus of semantics-preserving transformations reflexive over the domain of syntactic clauses.

Heretical definitions


characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards

See also: dissident heterodox