Hemorrhage in a sentence as a noun

MS will probably hemorrhage money on WP7 for little gain just like they do with Bing.

You're right that it's very extremely different than caffeine but a brain hemorrhage?

I guess if they want to hemorrhage money via the hubris that is their crypto contest they should just keep on as they are.

It's so bad that many clinics don't accept Medicare because it simply causes them to hemorrhage too much cash.

He died of cancer[1] last year, and also had a brain hemorrhage last year, ostensibly none of which was related.

This kind of draconian move won't get Yahoo anything but an even bigger talent hemorrhage than it already has.

The only way to stop a large hemorrhage is to use copious amounts of the material, resulting in severe burns in some case reports.

Hemorrhage in a sentence as a verb

The single best way to halt life-threatening hemorrhage in an extremity is a tourniquet, and the only thing that halts thorax hemorrhage is a surgeons finger.

The 'hook' inherent in the choice of headline combined with the lack of any discussion of the limitations of the product or previous failures with regards to miracle hemorrhage agents cements this in my opinion.

Your point is a good one, but maybe a different procedure would be a better example- most people suffering from an intracranial hemorrhage aren't in a position to do a whole of of comparison shopping on where to have it taken care of.

So this foam is for people who have dont have large hemorrhage of anything in retroperitoneal space and dont have a fatal mesenteric, liver, or spleen injury, but do have an injury to one of these structures that is sufficiently bad to warrant the foam.

If you suffer a head injury and end up in the ER and get a CT scan, you may increase your long-term risk of cancer, but you are also drastically reducing the risk of dying from a brain hemorrhage that couldn't be identified by any other method.

You will still hemorrhage cash every year, it may never be sustainable without your continued involvement ... but it would be the kind of experiment that would leave an impact for decades ... and if you succeeded in making it sustainable, maybe for centuries.

Actually the DBS implants for Parkinson's disease are relatively safe, and are being used more and more often, frequently to correct adverse effects from medications...it's about a 1-2% chance of a minor hemorrhage with infection rates differing among centers.

Hemorrhage definitions


the flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel

See also: bleeding haemorrhage


lose blood from one's body

See also: bleed