Heckler in a sentence as a noun

Looks like the heckler who shouted ******** was right.

You become a buly, a stalker, a heckler, you name it.

Given what we know about the NSA, the heckler was probably a plant.

This is always better than a heckler's veto of racist or sexist ideas.

Sure, he got some applause, and the heckler got some applause too. I think anyone could have imagined something like that happening.

Funny how Alexander says he's read the Constitution, and implores the heckler to do the same.

Every article that I saw yesterday painted the general as a hero and the heckler as a turd.

Otherwise, claiming offense amounts to a heckler's veto, and is chilling and oppressive.

Anytime any single heckler tried to make a scene, they were immediately drowned out with the "USA!

We shouldn't be criticizing the heckler for not being a good enough or different enough heckler, we should be criticizing everyone else who did nothing at all.

No idea how accurate a depiction of the speech this is, but the article is -- contrary to the title -- portraying the speech as having been warmly received, applauded, with one lone heckler.

Supposing a heckler had shouted to George Carlin that he was insane in the middle of a performance, and he responded the same way this young man did -- would you be calling for the same consequences as you are for the young man in the article?

Proper Noun Examples for Heckler

Deciding that something's silly, and that we'd all prefer to ignore it, has absolutely nothing to do with censorship....should get answersYou are functioning as the heckler in a "Heckler's Veto"[1].

Heckler definitions


someone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and questions and objections

See also: badgerer