Heater in a sentence as a noun

Of course Mai-chan has absolutely nothing to do with heaters, and we knew it.

If you set your thermostat to a constant 70, the heater works a little at a time throughout the day.

We create a small heater that absorbs tons of the input energy, while keeping the rest of the area cool.

I jack up the heat at the start of my trip, and then once I get going, I eventually turn the heater off completely.

I turned off the water heater when I was gone for a month once, and the savings do seem to have been in the noise somewhere.

We have a heater resistor at the bottom of a small can of this and the top of the pellets a few cm away is cool enough to touch.

Luckily I went on an amazing heater, ran the 1k up to 10k and that was enough to last us until Poker Stars unfroze my account.

Recently, I replaced my gas water heater valve and discovered that it's a part that's been around since the 1950's in its current design.

My girlfriend once got burnt badly because she fell asleep under her kotatsu and accidentally touched the heater.

I've considered doing this manually, but when I ran the numbers, it barely saved anything, at least if your water heater is insulated to modern Energy Star standards.

So the heat generated by the computations displaces the need for heat generated by a heater, eliminating or minimizing the net elecricity usage.

As I said, I was able to measure the wattage being delivered at the end of my 100 foot 16 gauge "home depot" orange extension cord connected to a space heater and found less than 900 watts being delivered to a load that normally pulls 1750.

If you drop it to 50 at night or in the middle of the day, the heater stops working, but then when the time comes to warm the house again, the heater has to work at full power for a long time to get the temp back up - thus losing a lot of your savings.

The cost calculator that factored in the cost of pump time at your billable rate; the over-the-top posture against the NY Times reviewer who discovered that the battery heater could draw enough power to affect range; and now this, where they made up their own methodology to convert VSS into stars and found themselves to be the best.

Heater definitions


device that heats water or supplies warmth to a room

See also: warmer


(baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity; "he swung late on the fastball"; "he showed batters nothing but smoke"

See also: fastball smoke hummer bullet