Heat in a sentence as a noun

And that a "dead heat" doesn't mean it's a coin ****.

It puts high stress and heat on the car, requiring constant maintenance.

It degrades in the presence of oxygen, heat and light.

Even if it didn't stop it, at least the company leadership might have felt the heat.

If you set your thermostat to a constant 70, the heater works a little at a time throughout the day.

Some labourers say they have been denied access to free drinking water in the desert heat.

That is going to be tough to maintain - especially with welding heat distortion.

OK, Paul Wheaton simply doesn't know what he's talking about:"I think that this does produce some savings, but not as much as you might think.

Heat in a sentence as a verb

Again, as the heat was rising, the mother asked... they realized and they rushed out: the baby was unconscious.

The next step is to add a heat sink and fan to maintain a temperature gradient for operation longer than 20mins.

The container is open to the air which provides oxygen, and while a fridge is cool, it is does not absolutely prevent degradation of the drug due to heat.

The message I got from his body language, nuance, and phrasing was something like "Obviously people who are elected from heavy technology areas are feeling a lot of heat.

James Watt discovers the latent heat of evaporation, and realizes that separating the condenser from the piston would improve efficiency.

I had always attributed previous "crackdowns" to regulatory capture: certain banks saw a wealthy, highly-fractured niche, and used their connections in DC to turn up the heat on the non-bank players in order to weaken them and take market share.

If you drop it to 50 at night or in the middle of the day, the heater stops working, but then when the time comes to warm the house again, the heater has to work at full power for a long time to get the temp back up - thus losing a lot of your savings.

There are weirder options as well--implanted magnets or electrode arrays to simulate vision, hearing, heat, taste, etc...Dedicated interfaces can perform far better at specific tasks, but glass interfaces offer reconfigurability at low cost.

Heat definitions


a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature


the presence of heat

See also: hotness


the sensation caused by heat energy

See also: warmth


the trait of being intensely emotional

See also: warmth passion


applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity

See also: estrus oestrus


a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race


utility to warm a building; "the heating system wasn't working"; "they have radiant heating"

See also: heating


make hot or hotter; "the sun heats the oceans"; "heat the water on the stove"


provide with heat; "heat the house"


arouse or excite feelings and passions; "The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor"; "The refugees' fate stirred up compassion around the world"; "Wake old feelings of hatred"

See also: inflame wake ignite


gain heat or get hot; "The room heated up quickly"