Heartbreaking in a sentence as an adjective

"There is such breathtaking depth and heartbreaking beauty in this ancient art form.

TextMate 2 is the perfect, yet heartbreaking example of Brook's Second-system effect.

Few things are as heartbreaking to see as families just not being able to do anything and watch someone in their family just hinge on hope from a database.

Or maybe the word "heartbreaking" should be reserved for citizens of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where, all things considered, things are considerably more dire.

Is it really heartbreaking that some Silicon Valley developers, one of the highest paid professions in one of the highest paid areas of the world, only made a decent salary instead of a fantastic total compensation package?It's unfortunate, sure.

Heartbreaking definitions


causing or marked by grief or anguish; "a grievous loss"; "a grievous cry"; "her sigh was heartbreaking"; "the heartrending words of Rabin's granddaughter"

See also: grievous heartrending