Heal in a sentence as a verb

I'll share mine, what I did to get deaden it, and how I finally healed it.

And healthy body plays a important role in that.

I really hope he will find that a time-out will help to heal these wounds and will begin to close the gap.

This does nothing to help heal the open wound that is the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

It did not, however, significantly\n heal my hardest pain points.

The patient had no idea what that meant because for the couple of years she had solely focused on trying to get healthy.

Sure they came in and stole some things and roughed you up a little, but the bruises heal in a few days and they didn't steal that much.

It doesn't have to be an "exotic" or expensive vacation; if your goal is to heal, it's better that it not be.

They aren't looking at a local issue and trying to figure out what to do to heal the community.

I was told that if I didn't get the surgery/pin then my toe wouldn't heal properly and it could hurt for the rest of my life.

As in we are currently in the midst of the greatest revolution in human health of our lives, and this guy is running in the wrong direction.

And this isn't just "remedial eating", it's discovering that our current ways of eating are killing us but that diet can likewise help heal us.

Whenever this topic comes up on HN, something that nobody discusses is the impact to people's health surrounding the overuse of headphones.

I left california few months ago a tangled emotional mess, afraid of and hating parts of myself, desparately searching for the love of another to heal me.

Please try and remember that while there may be many problematic practices and practitioners in the world of psychiatry, the majority are just trying to heal the sick like all other doctors.

"Not only are those wise words for users, enabling that way of working, and making security an easy verifiable default is going to be the only way to heal this problem for US tech companies.

It's a Khunian revolution out of "the pill and the scalpel" mindset and into a deeper understanding of root causes of wide classes of disease and general unhealthiness in 21st century society.

Answer : Wrong question!The right question is, What is wrong with our understand of Yoga?As per most people and if you ask them, they would reply Yoga means twisting, bending and turning your body in crazy ways to heal/medicinal use.

Meanwhile the government in these situations recommends you heed the advice of your friendly neighborhood big pharma corporation, and heal yourself in a way that makes powerful interest groups millions upon millions of dollars.

"Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.

Heal definitions


heal or recover; "My broken leg is mending"

See also: mend


get healthy again; "The wound is healing slowly"


provide a cure for, make healthy again; "The treatment cured the boy's acne"; "The quack pretended to heal patients but never managed to"

See also: cure