Haunting in a sentence as an adjective

I doubt there's a "Jobs haunting" mentality there.

Why is this cognitive dissonance still haunting all of us?

There is something haunting about Feynman's blackboard at the time of his death.

" [1]It always struck me as odd that the ghost of the Protestant Ethic is still haunting us to this day.

But the really haunting thing is listening to them speak in the voice mails our phone system e-mailed back then.

It always struck me as odd that the ghost of the Protestant Ethic is still haunting us to this dayWhy is that odd?

There's a haunting picture there of an emaciated man who climbs trees to gather toddy.

Well, if some big thing like this passes you by so closely, it's not difficult to understand how it can really end up haunting you.

It was the first time I saw computer graphics so beautiful in such a haunting mysterious world.

Reading the original "Show HN" thread about Bitcoinica is still haunting.

Making new ids every now and then is strangeCycling through IDs online seems like a great way to prevent stuff from haunting you later.

What results is a beautiful, haunting, provocative, but flawed movie.

Sometimes I feel like the idiotic marketing decision to name it "JavaScript" is never going to stop haunting us.

Combining that with ethereal music plays upon senses of tranquility, danger, peace, haunting, calms before storms, and life transpiring.

Going to site A, not providing any info, then going to site B, C and D and seeing ads to site A haunting you is one thing, capturing your name and email is a new level.

So I find the idea of them making the decisions about something they are literally illiterate about amusing, and haunting.

There was something haunting and fascinating about the old drawings/paintings of one of the ships locked in the ice, pictures of the incredibly well-preserved sailors, and the failed trek across the ice which ended in cannibalism.

Haunting definitions


continually recurring to the mind; "haunting memories"; "the cathedral organ and the distant voices have a haunting beauty"- Claudia Cassidy

See also: persistent


having a deeply disquieting or disturbing effect; "from two handsome and talented young men to two haunting horrors of disintegration"-Charles Lee