Harpsichord in a sentence as a noun

A harpsichord pretty much fails your "test" for "instruments with souls".

The jump from the harpsichord to piano was a huge one but the key profile didn't change as much as this.

Wow, this guy is seriously hard-core:> I needed a CNC lathe to make the legs for the harpsichord and the blue chair.

Your harpsichord/piano example was just... Well, exactly my point.

There are still guitars, and drums, and harpsichords, and pianos, and analog synthesizers.

Not all of them, necessarily, but a harpsichord is not a trivial instrument.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, a harpsichord or organ with 12 keys to the octave would typically be tuned meantone with C sharp, E flat, F sharp, G sharp and B flat.

Do other people get this awesome tingling sensation?I also find that harpsichord music is good for concentrating as well as music by Can.

Progress is overrated; everyone should be playing harpsichord only.

You might not hear a pure 22kHz sine but any sound from, say, a harpsichord will have much off these highs, and some think it is a part off the sound, that one feel without actually hearing it.

In fact, the beauty of realising the 48 on a well tempered harpsichord, unlike the equal tempered modern piano, is that each tonality would have its own character.

Missing pedalling articulations, useful to pipe organ, harp... Also I didn't find any way to include registration change, important in pipe organ, harmonium, harpsichord, electroacoustic instruments and others.

Harpsichord definitions


a clavier with strings that are plucked by plectra mounted on pivots

See also: cembalo