Harden in a sentence as a verb

In fact, by arguing, I cause you to harden your position.

Meaning a hardened boot process"What am I mis-reading or missing?

Where lives are on the line, I totally agree that we need to harden, harden, harden those systems.

Maybe even take one of those 3rd party libraries and try to harden and adapt that and make it a real solution?

Hopefully, this project will help harden FF security.

So Excelon in Illinois might have a program in place to harden their nuclear power plants against potential terrorist attack.

If you live here, you have to harden yourself against constant harassment for money and offers of *****, and you have to get used to stepping around garbage and **** in the street.

Sure we take the yearly security courses, use best practices, harden machines and infrastructure, but after reading these articles.. we are sitting ducks.

You can harden your circuits against EMP, it's just expensive and almost universally unnecessary.

We’re currently reviewing our endpoints and codebase to further harden security and ensure the privacy of our users.

Hi, Shopify dev here - when we roll out APIs we usually keep them private for a period before making them public to iron out bugs as well as harden them to work fast at scale.

Implement Content-Security-Policy to harden what resources can be loaded on your website.

That said, I'm pretty sure Google Apps has a great cost/benefit factor when you look at ease of implementation and security, because the Gmail team is more likely better at server hardening than you are.

My housemates were public transport fanatics, public transport "does everything we need, you just need to harden up a bit, there really is no need for a car", and one of them was a moderate cyclist.

Would you care to attempt to produce a canonical HN "How to harden your server" reference?Maybe one of the security experts on HN can start a repository on Github to evolve a canonical script.

Postfix and Sendmail both have a history of security vulnerabilities, and the only way to properly host an email server is to harden a *nix system to the extreme, and always be paranoid.

I'd rather the debate continue and we develop better technology and opinions around ownership of our own actions and lives so we harden ourselves from parasitism, instead of cheering when one of our parasites takes out another.

A national radio campaign is likely to bring hundreds or thousands of visitors spread over hours, not hundreds of thousands of visitors spread over seconds, so I probably would not take any particular action to harden a site in anticipation of it.

Harden definitions


become hard or harder; "The wax hardened"

See also: indurate


make hard or harder; "The cold hardened the butter"

See also: indurate


harden by reheating and cooling in oil; "temper steel"

See also: temper


make fit; "This trip will season even the hardiest traveller"

See also: season


cause to accept or become hardened to; habituate; "He was inured to the cold"

See also: inure indurate