Hard-nosed in a sentence as an adjective

You don't have to get screwed by a hard-nosed negotiation to lose out on thousands of dollars of comp.

Sun of course used to go back and forth between being chill dudes who totally get it and more nakedly hard-nosed.

Your pose of hard-nosed realism is actually more repugnant than just straight up saying "I'm breaking my agreements because I want to".

Ethics and hard-nosed productivity are really not separate at all.

What's keeping Europe away from the edge or from a turn to prosperity is the hard-nosed devotion to austerity.

" instead of taking a hard-nosed look at the return on investment they are getting, this vicious cycle is going to continue.

In a 2000 speech to technology companies, Hatch called Microsoft "knuckle-headed and hard-nosed," according to Wired magazine.

I think there's a fear of not coming off as a hard-nosed, logical thinker, so the constant need for citation is a proxy for "I believed XYZ because some authority said it was true.

I think it needs to be approached - from both - sides with more focus on "win-win" than would be appropriate for other negotiations where a more hard-nosed approach would be appropriate.

If you feel the need to engage in "man up" rhetoric in some pointless display of how hard-nosed and pragmatic you are, you should keep in mind it's a reflection more on you, not the person-object you're leveraging to establish your own status.

If he's trying to argue that Microsoft are misunderstood, that they do deserve respect after all, then maybe respect the hard-nosed business practises which have forced Microsoft products into every nook and cranny despite consistently having a shittier product than the competition.

This now officially the standard play for formerly-dominating computer-platform firms who have fallen on hard times: having before been proudly hard-nosed and proprietary, publicly see the light and present a new image as a new, kinder, gentler company which totally gets it about openness.

Hard-nosed definitions


guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory; "a hardheaded appraisal of our position"; "a hard-nosed labor leader"; "completely practical in his approach to business"; "not ideology but pragmatic politics"

See also: hardheaded practical pragmatic