Hard-hitting in a sentence as an adjective

For proof, look no further than their features[1] - there's some real hard-hitting journalism there.

It is the farthest thing from "hard-hitting" or "raw" journalism, and at times borders libelous.

Some of those people are journalists who are itching to carve out a "hard-hitting" reputation from the hides of their betters.

People sitting at home during the day with nothing else to do but watch cable news aren't looking for hard-hitting analysis and dry reporting of facts.

It can help you prepare for your interview by asking you the same sort of hard-hitting questions Maciej has been known to ask in previous batch interviews such as "What?

If the Times had collected more rigorous data than Tesla and then cornered them on some claim or other without revealing that they had contradictory data, the Times would be patting themselves on the back for their hard-hitting investigative moxie.

Hard-hitting definitions


characterized by or full of force and vigor; "a hard-hitting expose"; "a trenchant argument"

See also: trenchant


aggressively and persistently persuasive; "a hard-hitting advertising campaign"; "a high-pressure salesman"

See also: high-pressure