Handcart in a sentence as a noun

And if we all try to get our slice of the pie we go to **** in a handcart.

This is a straight-forward moan about how HN is going to **** in a handcart.

We don't like to burn gasoline, and use a handcart to move groceries on foot.

The kids nowadays are going to **** in a handcart.. we've heard this since time immemorial.

So if you wondering why is HN going to **** in a handcart, it's for the same reason that all other online communities go that path too.

I would at least have used a spoked wheel if I were arguing the obvious need of a handcart, the weight and stability difference over rough terrain is quite large.

Walking 20 minutes with your groceries in a handcart is not awesome, and most people aren't going to be very excited about that option.

[Edit: the reason is that if something goes wrong and your program fails unexpectedly, the program database is left in an unpredictable state - and you have to understand each such state with great precision or it all goes to **** in a handcart.

Handcart definitions


wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person; may have one or two or four wheels; "he used a handcart to carry the rocks away"; "their pushcart was piled high with groceries"

See also: pushcart cart go-cart