Hamper in a sentence as a noun

A lawyer's snarling letter is going to hamper this effort, not help.

Bad tools can still severely hamper even the best of experts.

The 80's and 90's were like the last frontier, until the feds jumped in and started creating laws to really hamper people from pushing the boundaries.

As long as HN stays the way it is it'll always be hampered by limitations which ultimately cap the quality of discussion.

All he can discuss now is whether the court correctly applied the law to the facts it determined at trial, and that means......that it won't hamper Kerr at all.

These deals lock up content, creating exclusive windows for entrenched players and hamper true innovation.

This is just coded language for "Net Neutrality will hamper our ability to milk profits from our near-monopoly on broadband.

Hamper in a sentence as a verb

HN occassionally has some good commentary but ultimately it's hampered by the fundamental design of the place.

A popular conversation topic results in unwieldy threads that hamper continuation of topics.

Very many people have a disability, yet you're suggesting very rare benefits of keeping kerbs that hamper people with disabilities.

Hiding content away in many subdirectories can hamper readability and search engine crawling.

Most likely, it will be resolved through negotiation, especially if a lawsuit may hamper their ability to move forward with the accelerator they applied to.

Failing to exercise such caution may hamper scientific progress by allowing for the proliferation of potentially false results, which may then influence the research agendas of scientists who do not realize that the associations they take as a starting point for their efforts may not be real.

Hamper definitions


a restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner)

See also: shackle bond trammel


a basket usually with a cover


prevent the progress or free movement of; "He was hampered in his efforts by the bad weather"; "the imperialist nation wanted to strangle the free trade between the two small countries"

See also: halter cramp strangle


put at a disadvantage; "The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements"

See also: handicap hinder