Hallmark in a sentence as a noun

This is not a good hallmark of a currency and is a flaw that all the derivative coins fail to address.

People think ios is a hallmark of usability only because the market has too much canon fodder so the 95percentile seems infinite.

I've often said that the hallmark of good engineering is designing your error cases: of the cases where something goes wrong being pleasant and non-disastrous.

An influx of MBAs after the original Jobs ousting was the hallmark, if not the actual cause of, the death spiral that Apple was in until Jobs returned.

The hallmark of a robust system is not the absence of error, for it is arrogance to believe you've ever achieved it and foolish to have it as your absolute goal.

I don't mean to be pointlessly negative, but this is the kind of post that makes me chuckle a bit at the idea of Svbtle being 'the future of journalism', and a hallmark for posts of a superior quality.

Third, it undermines genuine gender equality - if people are concerned about their criticisms being perceived as sexist they will refrain from open and honest critique which is the hallmark of colleagues and equals.

Hallmark definitions


a distinctive characteristic or attribute

See also: trademark earmark stylemark


a mark on an article of trade to indicate its origin and authenticity

See also: authentication assay-mark