Haemorrhoid in a sentence as a noun

That's because it is a medical condition - haemorrhoids. Googling "piles" is not a pretty thing...

Even as an adult, when I went to my doctor about haemorrhoids, she brought a nurse in the room for the examination.

When you start messing with this you start causing constipation, which then leads to haemorrhoids. If you are 30yo+ you know that you cannot rely on nice soft stool anymore by just doing whatever you want with your diet.

It appears they've been striving so hard they have given themselves a collective security haemorrhoid.

I think companies selling haemorrhoid treatments started profusely sweating.

[4] - Various and sundry ancient recipes for treating haemorrhoids, hangovers and cataracts. [5] - Details of a grain dole mirroring a similar program in the Roman capital.

For example, saying "buy tickets for concert of band X at venue Y at time Z" or "if you have haemorrhoids, buy drug W", are "good", non-manipulative ads. On the other hand, "click here to earn 1000 a day", "you are 1000th visitor, you win", or displaying an image of a happy family in an attempt to anchor your brand to the viewer's idea of happiness is "bad", manipulative kind of advertising.

Haemorrhoid definitions


pain caused by venous swelling at or inside the anal sphincter

See also: hemorrhoid piles