Hackneyed in a sentence as an adjective

Even down to the hackneyed "humbled" cliche in the first sentence.

A cliche is a phrase that has become hackneyed through overuse.

It subtly reminds me of the hackneyed "it's not a bug, it's a feature" spin.

The sell-out was the hackneyed algorithm, not the $200M.

In the original sense as used by Richard Dawkins, yes, hackneyed phrases are memes.

".It's great we celebrate hacker culture, -- as we well should, but isn't art via CSS getting a bit hackneyed by now?

Instead it is just a series of hackneyed statements about how clients don't value design and Macs are better than PCs.

"High-powered assault rifle" is a hackneyed phrase that just springs to mind, and they don't care enough about accuracy to check it.

>sheepSomeone who trots out such hackneyed clichs should be careful criticising others for following the crowd.

I literally cringe whenever someone posts this hackneyed response.

The "Yeah but no other vendors are going to implement the Dart VM" might not be an accurate prediction and has become a hackneyed way to dismiss Dart.

If our project always compiled in less than 300 seconds, we were golden!And yes, sounds like I'm imitating a hackneyed SNL skit, but everything here is factual.

Since you asked honestly, I'll answer honestly: it's hackneyed and poorly written and I don't think the dream's personal significance translates to a general audience.

Because it's a hackneyed creation of a shallow imagination peopled with cardboard characters, made to press the emotional buttons especially popular today.

I was exploring some features of Android this week and every other line I kept sticking comments in like "gosh, if only java had first class functions / closures / operator overloading / namespaces / global primitives that aren't hackneyed"

My experience is not that the sexes interact with world identically, but that those specific sorts of claims are hackneyed stereotypes and that in reality both men and women are individuals with the full range of complexity that implies.

Hackneyed definitions


repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails'"