Gumption in a sentence as a noun

No one has had the gumption to clean that stuff up.

It takes gumption to start off a tall tale with a circus man.

At least the handset vendors have the gumption to actually file lawsuits against each other.

I hardly think any of those people would have the creativity or the gumption to start a business.

Hopefully Mr. Hastings has the self-awareness to recognize this problem and the gumption to act on it.

Finally, one with a bit more gumption actually went back to their supervisor and prodded them to have a second look.

Why can't we trust people to have investigated this possibility ahead of time?Given the author's level of gumption, I'm glad he's not hacking on Rhythmbox.

Now it is not certain whether formal education does a good job at this or not, but to say that all you need to do a successful start-up is gumption, can do spirit, "street smarts", sales skills, etc., is a dangerous lie.

One of the peculiar attributes of Amazon's action against us is that it was well publicized within Amazon -- and was apparently a result of outrage by a high-ranking executive after he learned that the former AWS engineer not only was working for a competitor, but had the gumption to open source a technology that he developed here.

Gumption definitions


sound practical judgment; "Common sense is not so common"; "he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples"; "fortunately she had the good sense to run away"

See also: sense


fortitude and determination; "he didn't have the guts to try it"

See also: backbone grit guts moxie sand