Grot in a sentence as a noun

Does me calling someone a "grot" count as hate speech, when no one knows what it means?

How many people need to recognize this meaning of "grot" before it becomes something you can't say on TV?

Yeah, we'd all probably agree that's problematic speech, but where's the dividing line?If you ask me, people who make "hate speech" laws are a bunch of grots because it's impossible to enforce them objectively and consistently.

Given the current budgetary constraints councils are under, is signing up for a bunch of apps like this a good use of their time and resources?I'd also be pretty reluctant to report rubbish close to my house and have it marked as a "grot spot"

The initial startup time is a bit of a usability issue - it takes some minutes to get itself established on the network - but once up and running its kind of refreshing to be able to do all the things, without any of the typical social-media grot to deal with.

Grot definitions


a small cave (usually with attractive features)

See also: grotto