Grope in a sentence as a noun

One of my pipe dreams is wishing I could tell them that they tried to grope a 15 year old.

If they're going to grope me, I'd rather it be in public in full view of everyone else.

Harrassed for being a disturbed creep != having someone grope and put their mouth on you without your permission.

I'm sure it's a clever portmanteau, but I'm just seeing 'grope', which is not a pleasant association for your brand.

I would agree that the men who would hit a woman would almost exclusively fall in to the group who would grope them and say inappropriate things to them.

And if you don't think a dose of radiation is a good trade for pretend security, you can always wait another 15 minutes for a grumpy person to grope you.

I absolutely dig all the people in this thread trying to discredit the problems other people have had with the TSA by saying "well they never groped me ..."Do you doubt that they grope others?

Grope in a sentence as a verb

I suffered a few unwelcome gropes at late-night Comdex parties and the like, but never felt like I was in danger and I was always able to walk away unharmed.

Options for flying without undergoing a grope down or subjecting oneself to the nudie photo maker are limited to those wealthy enough to fly private.

We get no say, but its apparently ok to bomb us, drone us, spy on us, grope at us, render us, irradiate us to see us naked etc. I supposed it helps keep me from terrorising Americans though.

Right after you get done telling me that they are perfect gentlemen you tell me that they have disdain for me as a customer and that by making them feel uncomfortable as they grope me, I am making it worse?

That "grope" has shifted and is so often associated with the TSA would suggest to me that there exists a sub-critical mass of people dissatisfied with the State Security apparatus in place, deeply so.

Preventing things like rifles means I need to get to the airport an hour before the flight and I need to stand in long security lines and let them grope and/or ogle me and search my baggage and confiscate my sunscreen and examine my guitar and send my electronics through a second time.

Grope definitions


the act of groping; and instance of groping


feel about uncertainly or blindly; "She groped for her glasses in the darkness of the bedroom"

See also: fumble


search blindly or uncertainly; "His mind groped to make the connection"


fondle for sexual pleasure; "He made some sexual advances at the woman in his office and groped her repeatedly"