Grillwork in a sentence as a noun

I walk through Buenos Aires and I pause, one could say mechanically, to gaze at a vestibules arch and its grillwork; of Borges I receive news in the mail and I see his name in a list of professors or in some biographical dictionary.

This is why you can't find two aligned windows in a modern "signature" building.> This paranoid revulsion against classical aesthetics was not so much a school of thought as a command: from now on, the architect had to be concerned solely with the large-scale form of the structure, not with silly trivialities such as gargoyles and grillwork, no matter how much pleasure such things may have given viewers.

Grillwork definitions


mesh netting made of wires

See also: wirework


a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate; "he cooked hamburgers on the grill"

See also: grill grille