Greeting in a sentence as a noun

These guys let you create a hokey greeting card and e-mail it to a friend.

They are implying by that greeting that it is not them who would label you as such a thing.

" "Well that greeting didn't add much to the conversation, why don't you **** off back to Reddit?

I know people that sell Photoshop templates for borders, albums and greeting cards.

They know how much more important a Github and app portfolio are than a "To all whom these presents come greeting..." poster on your wall.

This involves going to Target, looking at the greeting cards, place mats, napkins, and other nick-hacks to get ideas.

Rails and Django are two web frameworks standing at the same place greeting people coming from opposite directions.

>Stop the spamSo its not ok for LinkedIn to spam you but its ok for you to spam all your contacts with a mass holiday greeting to "stay in touch"?

I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but it strikes me as very similar to Conan O'Brien's "dismissal" statement, especially the "People of Groupon" greeting.

People made greeting cards, family newsletters, notices, party decorations....In the visual arts, a lot of the people who do amusing Photoshop work are not professionals.

Didn't James Holmes dress up like the riddler/joker, record an insane voicemail greeting in joker character, cover his apartment in batman posters, and shoot up a theatre playing batman?

If the person you’re meeting goes in for a hug, ...Now, pair that previous paragraph with this mentality that the person leading a greeting gets to choose its level of intimacy: that a hug is appropriate, and if that's what happens first everyone should be forced to go along with it... this is not OK.

Greeting definitions


(usually plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting)

See also: salutation