Graphology in a sentence as a noun

I picked up an old book on graphology from a thrift store a couple of years ago.

I wonder what a graphology expert would think about this.

The most common screening method was graphology, though.

I would class such things alongside graphology and lie detector tests as strong counter indicators.

Now it's not as if I deliberately employ sesquipedalian graphology for the express purpose of obfuscation.

When a prosecutor spews technobabble about graphology, the layman is going to think it is evidence, not because when they hear the technobabble they think "hard evidence" but because when the prosecutor spews it and calls it evidence, they think "evidence".When a prosecutor spews what seems to be nonsense about MAC addresses, and calls it leet illegal hacks, do you really think that the layman is going to sit there and second guess that assessment?

Graphology definitions


the study of handwriting (especially as an indicator of the writer's character or disposition)