Granulate in a sentence as a verb

Well, then I first want to granulate you do a damn clever idea.

It stays in the granulated form no matter how much liquid you add or how long you stir.

It is not just granulated, it has a 'diamond' shape to the crystals so you get the taste but not the high quantity of sodium.

Other articles about this made it sound like they'd use re-used, granulated plastic, like that fished out of the ocean's 'plastic soups'.

Because twitter doesn't granulate permissions like facebook does.

Also quotes above a certain amount usually need to be granulated, for me this was anything over $5K.

I take Pentasa 2mg granulated mesalazine per day.

For example, common wheat bread and many sodas have a higher glycemic index than granulated table sugar!

I stored one set of each the current Millennium Falcon and the Saturn V inside their delivery boxes in two layers of pond liner, added several bags of drying granulate, put it all in wooden boxes, and keep them in the dry attic.

>Why?Because I advocate relationships where contributions are granulated and distributed according to participant interest, not participant gender.

Granulate definitions


form into grains

See also: grain


become granular

See also: grain


form granulating tissue; "wounds and ulcers can granulate"