Graduation in a sentence as a noun

And even then around 60 to 70% of the graduating engineers would find a job right after graduation.

The privileges of graduation, besides, are in many countries .

The second stage is filing applications, we are now somewhere between 1 1/2 and 1 year prior to graduation.

I was so disgusted I refused to walk in the graduation ceremony, much to my parents disappointment.

He was pretty oblivious to the fact he was at a graduation, and not at any point in his speech did he address the students and their future.

Many girls will have cosmetic surgery done right after high school so that their college graduation pictures will look good, which she said was very important to females.

In high school, I coasted along simply on a fantastic memory, often 'studying' for the final exams that determine graduation the night before.

Among public\nand private college graduates, women earned\n81 percent and 86 percent, respectively, of what\nmen earned one year after graduation.

What gets to me is our inability as a society to acknowledge the cognitive dissonance, and speak about this issue honestly outside of graduation speeches.

The summer after our second year of school, I went to go intern at a firm, which gave me a $1k/month lunch budget and a guaranteed job after graduation, while she went to intern for the EPA which doesn't have much of a budget for anything, and rarely hires anyone after graduation.

'Basically, straightforward encouragement and promotion of a sense of belonging has a significant effect toward equalizing the health, academic performance and graduation rates of economically disadvantaged kids of the same aptitude as wealthier peers.

Did anyone else catch the irony in Friedman talking about employers that "increasingly dont care how those skills were acquired: home schooling, an online university, a massive open online course, or Yale," then writing an article entirely about two Yale graduates who went to work at McKinsey and Goldman Sachs post-graduation?Last time I checked, McKinsey isn't recruiting at University of Phoenix.

Graduation definitions


the successful completion of a program of study


an academic exercise in which diplomas are conferred

See also: commencement


a line (as on a vessel or ruler) that marks a measurement; "the ruler had 16 graduations per inch"


the act of arranging in grades

See also: gradation