Gossipy in a sentence as an adjective

Not that I was blameless, choosing such a gossipy link to submit.

Trashy people of both sexes have used Facebook for gossipy purposes such as this for years.

If you want all that gossipy SV **** on the front page, you're going to have to take some other stuff you don't like as much.

I never fit in with the gossipy fashionista crowd either.

The best reply if someone says something gossipy to you is a non-committal "Ahh" or "Hmm."5.

The gossipy comments were more interesting than the article itself.

She says, "hey, did you hear that gossipy gossip about the NSA" and you say, "no, the NYT isn't reporting anything about that".

It seemed like there was some tension from John's perspective on the last episode Then it was strange that there wasnt an ep last week.

This article is a piece of uninteresting, content-free, gossipy garbage and I'm not sure why it was voted to the front page.

One of my complaints about Yahoo's homepage has always been their gossipy headline news stories in big pictures on the front page.

Sure, emotions may run hot with a gossipy scandal, but at that point it's the social implications of reputation at stake.

I'll admit that it's a bit gossipy, but in other circumstances, you likely wouldn't be calling for 'witnesses on either side.

This judgement is then verified in their gossipy clique of other fundamentalists.

Does the shrill, hyper-Silicon Valley startup focused, gossipy, and banal tech 'press' really matter?

That deleted one was posted by me. After I posted it I felt guilty about triggering yet another gossipy discussion about Linus, so I deleted it.

There were always people perpetually focused on their Blackberries/two-ways, but they tended to be a select few: Hardcore careerist types and the young-&-gossipy crowd.

I personally agree with tptacek that gossipy advocacy/techpolitic issues are now far too important to the site.

The reality is, whether you get your shiny reference from the candidate or a gossipy one from a former coworker, you still have to use your brain to evaluate the data.

I'm guessing she decided to edit her own book, so she had no one to tell her that her breathless and gossipy over-wrought writing style would be laughable if it weren't so painful to read.

Gossipy definitions


prone to friendly informal communication

See also: chatty newsy