Gossiper in a sentence as a noun

Simply put, it's 99% ******** hearsay worse than that of your office gossiper.

You had to be a prolific gossiper to spread a message to several dozen people before.

If the others are ready to change topic, the gossip will die off and the gossiper will learn it's a conversation killer.

People who are positive, smiling, and upbeat tend to be more likable than those who are negative and complain, like this gossiper seems to be.

This was a breach.> Seeing this and being surprised is like watching a teen movie where the gossiper...People didn't realize Facebook was selling their secrets.

The trick to not getting into an argument with this gossiper is to always seem like you have the utmost sympathy their point of view, but you can also defend the other person by playing as if you are extremely sympathetic to them too.

Gossiper definitions


a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others

See also: gossip gossipmonger rumormonger rumourmonger newsmonger