Goiter in a sentence as a noun

This thing on the neck, even when naked - goiter band - iodine deficiency.

The way people talk about the benefits of "exercise" is about on the level of saying that "food" prevents scurvy, goiter, and rickets.

If you're concerned with the iodine supplementation, enjoy your goiter...Fearmongering about bleach in salt is a little weird considering its chemical formula is NaClO and its primary component is used to make your tap water safe to drink.

I can understand why the sight of a lovely lady is going to make you want to convince her that your ****** is no worse than a goiter, but I don't think that telling her that the doctor's taxonomy of maladies is superfluous is going to make her sleep with you.

To take the previously-mentioned iodine effect - while administering iodine in childhood or later will eliminate goiters due to iodine deficiency, as far as anyone can tell, post-natal iodine does little to nothing about the retardation or intelligence decreases caused by iodine deficiency, and even in pregnancy, the effect of supplementation seems to start decreasing from conception.

Goiter definitions


abnormally enlarged thyroid gland; can result from underproduction or overproduction of hormone or from a deficiency of iodine in the diet

See also: goitre struma thyromegaly