Godlike in a sentence as an adjective

For a high level managed language, 67% would be pretty godlike.

But despite their godlike powers, they had not wholly forgotten their origin, in the warm slime of a vanished sea."

Compilers aren't some strange magic black art that only godlike programmers are allowed to practice.

Isn't SimCity as fun as it is because the player has godlike power over everything?I can't imagine SimCity: Libertarian Edition being as much fun if you just sit back and watch entrepreneurial sims do everything themselves, followed by sim corporations taking over your sim world.

Godlike definitions


appropriate to or befitting a god; "the divine strength of Achilles"; "a man of godlike sagacity"; "man must play God for he has acquired certain godlike powers"-R.H.Roveref

See also: divine


being or having the nature of a god; "the custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his...powers"-J.G.Frazier; "the divine will"; "the divine capacity for love"; "'Tis wise to learn; 'tis God-like to create"-J.G.Saxe

See also: divine