Gnomic in a sentence as an adjective

That's strange, because PG looks less gnomic now than in years past.

Ask PG: What should I have for lunch?PG seems to have become a gnomic magic 8 ball of sorts.

At the risk of being a bit gnomic: the standard is here to serve me, I am not here to serve the standard.

Veiled and gnomic proclamations can be fun, but sooner or later you have to show your hand.

I read that as the "The gnomic era arrives" which seemed pretty reasonable o me.

On the flipside, the classics tend to be shorter and gnomic and rely on commentary to make them intelligible.

As the gnomic remarks in the Investigations indicate, Wittgenstein isn't sure.

The newbie gnomic editor removes the template and reverts the article reversion, and is then receives multiple templates.

Camille Paglia is over-rated IMO. I've read a couple of her books and there is little of substance there under the gnomic bombast and pseudo-academic jargon.

These are contextless gnomic utterances, which are not prima facie uncontroversial and therefore mostly useless to us. Why should we care?

Conclusion: Chinese is absolutely the best language-family to make cryptic, gnomic, multi-layered allusions and sound like you've lived 100,000 years up a mountain eating nothing but fresh mountain air and magical peaches.

More open-ended discussions by the average SO questioner vs open-ended discussions by a more interesting participant can be hard to tell apart; a stupid question can seem almost philosophically gnomic when viewed charitably.

Gnomic definitions


relating to or containing gnomes; "gnomic verse"