Glider in a sentence as a noun

The model they have is a glider with solar panels.

I once met a girl, who said "when I travel, I only need my hang-glider.

A year later, a guy hiking there found it and returned it, in working order, to the glider club.

"Technically the glider becomes a known static shape.

This guy has created a glider for a rhomboidal grid environment, and that's... pretty cool.

I suspect the main difficulty is not in finding the glider pattern, but in proving that it is in fact a glider.

> It shows off what a clever person can achieve by tinkering with a systemYou could say the same about the Gosper glider gun.

In Life, these are called gliders if they move diagonally, and spaceships if they move orthogonally.

The video continued as the glider launched, and for approximately ten minutes of flight.

I'd love to be able to brew the "Honey badger" or "Sugar glider" from Intelligentsia coffee on my Nespresso!

Funny anecdote re: good product:I fly gliders recreationally.

This symbol is not ominous; the glider doesn't die. It moves through four states, arriving at this steady state: XX X X X I'm surprised that the author wrote such a lengthy article without making sure that the premise is true.

One of my favorites are very high power-to-weight ratio 2 meter-ish gliders with thousands of watts of power.

Looking at the last footage in the camera, you could see three guys using a suction cup holder to attach the camera on the outside body of the glider.

I'm sure you could make a robotic glider that used the meteorological principles that glider pilots use to move around without engines.

Mosaic tile game of life "still life" perhaps with some interesting gliders or if you've got the space the legendary glider gun... or a still life of a partially completed quicksort?

The "Albatross" technique would only be a small part of this - glider pilots have extensively studied techniques for moving around without an engine, and there are lots of them.

Glider definitions


aircraft supported only by the dynamic action of air against its surfaces

See also: sailplane