Glamor in a sentence as a noun

I'd prefer this to the PR glamor shots that usually show up in the NYT.

Definitely not glamorous but sure beats working fast food that put me through school 15 years ago.

There are unions for film writers and actors, and for the major sports leagues, which are all clearly glamor industries.

The "work anywhere when you like, just get your 8 in" concept is relatively niche, even in the Valley "glamor" bubble.

Any pictures you see on my site are taken via phone using Instagram - hardly glamorous.

Doctors want to keep their high prices with artificial barriers such as these and the glamor keeps the supply relatively high.

Could someone quickly recap what DDX and glamor are, and how they relate to XWayland, Xorg, Wayland, and nVidia binary drivers.

Shocking degrees of ineptitude are given enormous weight in society, often through glamor alone.

It's told through the weight of the exhausted angst in two entrepreneurs, but its a message to the masses dreaming of a glamor that masks the new face of corporate R&D. While not novel, the important lessons and insights need to be told more than once, and this is a well-written telling.

What about people working more mundane jobs instead of some future-eco-glamor-green-creative one?

" As you note, that's what PyPy is doing, but this is a hard problem that doesn't have quite the same glamor as JavaScript, so there aren't multiple giants with deep pockets throwing money at it in a race to the top.

There are a lot of startups where the glamor of the industry means that they can easily pressure 20 something fresh out of school folks who are probably also suffering from imposter syndrome that the only way to learn is to work insane amounts of hours.

Glamor definitions


alluring beauty or charm (often with sex-appeal)

See also: glamour