Gibbet in a sentence as a noun

Can we bring back the pirate's gibbet now?

Patrolled by a ragged band of scoundrels all in black who chose the wall over the gibbet, no doubt.

My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed.

Gibbet in a sentence as a verb

They passed corpses hanging on the gibbet and decapitated heads and quartered bodies impaled on stakes on the city walls.

In an ideal world with Nuremberg-like tribunals, the Bush insiders would be swinging from gibbets, while we'd let the Democrats off the hook after a few years in Spandau.

Gibbet definitions


alternative terms for gallows

See also: gallows-tree gallous


hang on an execution instrument


expose to ridicule or public scorn

See also: pillory