Gesture in a sentence as a noun

Voting is then just a token gesture with no real effect.

You're expecting a PR person not to spin it like some grand gesture?

Maximized windows don't get the right-click-title gesture to work at all.

This newest image was commissioned by BT as a kind of closing "Thank you London" gesture of the Olympic year.

Something that will really be awesome will be these goggles and a Leap Motion controller, so that you gesture around your world.

There are no cues to tell the user what two fingers vs. four fingers will do, or what the difference is between a close-fingered gesture and a wide gesture.

Gesture in a sentence as a verb

Regardless of whether this was a kind gesture or a defensive move, I think it was very well stated, and an excellent example of diplomacy.

This little gesture is more than just a decal though, because it informs other hackers that you understand that if they are feeling depressed, they don't need to deal with it on their own.

" ...Which sort of begs the question that if an expert in the field thinks the gesture is exactly what you would expect, even if you had no expertise whatsoever, then how does that not qualify as obvious?

It's totally rational for a woman thinking of making such a compromise to demand from her potential husband a gesture showing that he is willing and able to take the other half of the bargain.

You should be able to keep your eyes on the road and still adjust the air conditioning—something the designer in this video recognizes—but that shouldn't require learning invisible gestures that are prone to user error.

Gesture definitions


motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling


the use of movements (especially of the hands) to communicate familiar or prearranged signals

See also: motion


something done as an indication of intention; "a political gesture"; "a gesture of defiance"


show, express or direct through movement; "He gestured his desire to leave"

See also: gesticulate motion