Geniality in a sentence as a noun

And to rediscover some lost art from first principles requires a level of geniality on par with the first creators of the art in the first place.

Lots of respect for someone so worshiped by his geniality in the pitch that there is literally a Maradonian church.

And does not definition of geniality has something on having that insight for the "obvious"?

However, I think that gets down to a cultural issue of what do you value more, clean code that is easier to comprehend, or fostering geniality between teams.

The thing about first example is that the speed of brain development in child and adulthood geniality/iq/whatever are only loosely related.

I've found that people invariably flock to those who demonstrate not only ability and intelligence, but also civility and geniality.

Really there are no expectations for social interaction, but you can ensure that there is never any awkwardness or perceived rudeness by applying the tiniest modicum of geniality.

Currently, ``social'' closely relates to friendliness or geniality, but its Lockean definition pertains to ``society as a natural condition of human life.

Geniality definitions


a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to)

See also: affability affableness amiability amiableness bonhomie