Genetical in a sentence as an adjective

If you have cases in your family, genetical disposition or not, get them as soon as possible.

[..] all been genetically engineered [..]Where is the proof that these processed or genetically engineered foods are better?

Even genetical engineering now is in essence copy pasting of certain parts that we know work in a specific way, bound by what currently exists.

Nonexistentent genetical variation between the so called "races", which are themselves based on fallacious premises?

> Well, for starters, because to properly eliminate genetical diseases, you will eventually need to forbid carriers of undesirable genes to procreate.

Well, for starters, because to properly eliminate genetical diseases, you will eventually need to forbid carriers of undesirable genes to procreate.

Sure, but there's a lot of people who basically claim that the massive hormonal and genetical differences between the genders have no impact on personality, behavior and interests.

So much of what we consider to be 'intelligence' or repercussions of intelligence are in fact language-based communications and culture - with an immense genetical legacy, bias, and quite frankly, burden.

Speaking of irrationality of fears, people are so obsessively frightened with the idea of "mad scientists" doing weird genetical experiment that goes wrong, and in the same time completely ignore the far more realistic horror stories that are almost imminent, like bacterias becoming widely immune to all known antibiotics...

Genetical definitions


of or relating to or produced by or being a gene; "genic combinations"; "genetic code"

See also: genic genetic


of or relating to the science of genetics; "genetic research"

See also: genetic