Gearing in a sentence as a noun

Can you tell that 37 Signals is gearing up to a new product launch?

Sometimes you have to change how fast output shaft spins, or the gearing on a transmission.

Are they gearing up to get governmental regulations?

I'm sorry, I'm too busy bootstrapping my lean startup gearing up for a long runway so I can exit right before the pivot.

So they didn't even use electronics - it was all relays and mechanical gearing!

They say this in the comment section:> "To address the problem you bring up, we have designed an overdrive hub system that will make the gearing comparable to that of the average singlespeed bike.

Gearing definitions


wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed; "the fool got his tie caught in the geartrain"

See also: gear geartrain train