Gaze in a sentence as a noun

"They will gaze up, and strain to find the blue dot in their skies.

Each time her gaze might wander, action rivets her mind back to the screen.

It encouraged me to navel-gaze far too much.

It is dead to them, so it is a uniquely safe place to avoid their future gaze.

Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

" [0]"... when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions.

And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.

At the time he was Chief Scientist at the NSA and the Rainbow books had been produced under his gaze.

I will just gaze at the waves off Half Moon Bay, a satisfied smile on my lips, and feel nothing but pure calm.

"Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster; and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you.

Gaze in a sentence as a verb

I was one of those guys that left the labs under the hatefull gaze of the entire lab section having finished his assignment early.

A good magician doing closeup magic can follow your gaze and know what you're looking at in order to adjust his strategy in real time.

The information about faces and direction of gaze leads to an important tip on presentations.

"With little emotion, speaking in his usual flat, robotic tone[...]As Page talked, he kept his gaze averted, resisting direct eye contact.

In America, you can wank off trying to navel gaze whilst doing your degree in some ******** and then eventually can be comfortable living your life working in a coffee shop.

Look for the professor in the tweed jacket, with horn-rimmed glasses, and the gaze which pierces through both his students' excuses for late homework and statistical irregularities.

The usability studies that involved eye-tracking showed that when the start menu is open, users gaze is purely focused on the start menu, not other objects on the desktop.

I implore you to turn on "show dead" and gaze upon our "shadow people", check their comment history and notice about half of them got **** banned for some rather petty reason, and are currently being made to waste hours of their time writing comments before realizing nobody reads them.

He was described as "remote, coldly aloof, ruthless aristocrat, living in lonely magnificence, disdaining the common people... an exceptional man, a lone wolf whose strength and courage could be looked up to, but at the same time had to be feared; an eccentric, misanthropic genius whose haughty bearing, cold eye and steely reserve made it impossible to like or trust him." [Interesting anecdote: He had all the walls of his penthouse office at the Tribune covered with dark wood, including the door, so that after your meeting ended, you would have great difficulty finding the door to get back out, suffering under his humiliating gaze.

The C++ community first insisted that there was never a reason for doing so and then said "ok, but instead of writing code for compile-time execution using C++, we're going to create an nightmarishly complex and crippled language that you'll use instead; it will be so painful that you'll be proud of implementing factorial".And now a whole new generation of programmers can gaze at the horror of Modern C++ metaprogramming and conclude that metaprogramming is bad....

Gaze definitions


a long fixed look; "he fixed his paternal gaze on me"

See also: regard


look at with fixed eyes; "The students stared at the teacher with amazement"

See also: stare