Gallery in a sentence as a noun

Go to a classical art gallery and sit and watch the people, how they react to the art.

Also the app gallery only shows the five winners [3].

On Windows, it was more like 200MB, had its own custom print dialogue which could be themed and had an online gallery for themes which you could download.

The one thing I know is that those of us out here in the peanut gallery, we don't have an ice cube's chance in **** of knowing the 'real' story.

It's disappointing that there's no 'what's new' or introduction to E or even a proper gallery of screenshots.

You constantly need to be painting or it looks like total ****, and it is hanging in the gallery, right now and everybody can see it.

Glad too see the peanut gallery keeping it light_____________________________demaney 69 points 28 minutes agoFor proof, did he send you a picture of him holding a dated index card?

I think a better comparison would be... a community art gallery opens, they invite all local artists to show their work for free.

After my first heated exchange with one of the devs, I actually asked them how many of the sites listed in the gallery on their site they actually tested and validated the code on.

If they weren't competing with Facebook, they wouldn't have photo gallery functionality, Hangout, or the upcoming Games functionality.

There are very few good reasons for an article, or an image gallery, or a homepage that could have been displayed just fine a decade ago to now need javascript so it can do some stupid flashy thing that breaks the expected interface behaviour.

Digg engineering already fled, the peanut gallery in the valley keeps squawking with delight about your failure, and all you have left is some nicely designed pages showing double digit gains on stale links that's a shade away from being as if they were spun up by a Russian spam squad.

Gallery definitions


spectators at a golf or tennis match


a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed)

See also: veranda verandah


a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited


a long usually narrow room used for some specific purpose; "shooting gallery"


a covered corridor (especially one extending along the wall of a building and supported with arches or columns)


narrow recessed balcony area along an upper floor on the interior of a building; usually marked by a colonnade


a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine; "they dug a drift parallel with the vein"

See also: drift heading