Gabby in a sentence as an adjective

In the US that'd be 'gabby' for a similar meaning, though rarely heard.

Check out [jquery touch] or [haskell ffi] or even [gabby douglas] and [us open].

Hopefully you get a receptionist, or at least someone gabby.

Is there anything stopping you from creating a modestly successful blog or a piece of OSS which solves a big problem in an underserved niche for very gabby programmers?

The catch is that you can be persued legally for saying something that can be demonstrated to have resulted in an unfair rejection, so the safest strategy is to simply volunteer nothing while hoping the other party has a gabby manager.

Gabby definitions


full of trivial conversation; "kept from her housework by gabby neighbors"

See also: chatty garrulous loquacious talkative talky