Fuzziness in a sentence as a noun

" It doesn't look like he talks about how the fuzziness feature affects that but I could have missed it.

Seriously, there is no fuzziness or anything sort of BS like that.

If you play games or whatever at non-native res, you do get some fuzziness from interpolation.

But we accept all this lawlessness as normal, as the fuzziness around the edges of lawfulness.

A developer that ignores the fuzziness of the world in order to write clean code, is nave and ineffective in my opinion.

A sliding "fuzziness" control could tell it to take alternates in the same character position and substitute either1.

My hypothesis is that programming gets them used to thinking about things in absolute terms, and they cannot deal with the fuzziness inherent in law.

Noticing when English creates fuzziness is a noteworthy event precisely because it is an anomaly in the vast sea of fundamentally fuzzy ideas being expressed in English.

And if he's going to claim that the impact was non-trivial, then why leave so much fuzziness in the interpretation of how much was lost in direct car sales and how much through a loss of valuation?The use of data, as it did in his rebuttal to the NYT, would help his case here.

Fuzziness definitions


the quality of being indistinct and without sharp outlines

See also: indistinctness softness blurriness fogginess