Fuzzed in a sentence as an adjective

The graphics are kind of blurry and fuzzed-out by scaling.

The issue is fuzzed when you consider less extreme cases than "death row inmates".

Gist may be true, but the details were fuzzed for a better story/self aggrandizement.

It looks clean, but from the few routes i checked it might be clean because it's been fuzzed beyond the point of usefulness.

[3]: I've fuzzed the evaluation order a bit, for simplicity.

Unfortunately, they've fuzzed the data to the point that I can't tell which streets I've already been on and which I haven't.

Soon after they started fuzzing words in doubleqoutes and at some point they even fuzzed verbatim searches.

They explicitly state [0] that upvotes and downvotes are fuzzed, it really isn't a matter of some weird machination.

It has an independent code interpreter that works on the internal representation of the fuzzed code.

How much work is it to create such a minimal implementation that is reasonably performant, written by competent devs, well tested, fuzzed, etc?

On the other hand, a lot of software has buffer overflow vulnerabilities; I see a lot of crashes when input data is fuzzed or corrupted slightly.

If we are being pedantic, then the issue becomes fairly fuzzed when you consider guns that have you insert the clip, not just the ammunition, into a fixed magazine.

But when the first page is full of a bunch of fuzzed-out results that are only tangentially related to what I searched for, I now have to skim through a page full of results to realize that Google just gave up and decided to omit several of my terms.

This means I can't look at it except aggregated together with other users' data and fuzzed on a map Mozilla provides, I can't play with it, I can't upload it to other similar projects, etc.• In fact, nobody can download a dump of the data because of privacy concerns for data contributors and access point operators.

Fuzzed definitions


covering with fine light hairs; "his head fuzzed like a dandelion gone to seed"

See also: fuzzy