Fumigate in a sentence as a verb

We fumigate books with bugs living in the pages.

If your house is full of termites, you leave, cover the house with a tent, and fumigate the inside.

When you get an infestation, it’s best to just burn everything in the room and then fumigate.

I can't make steaks too often because it fumigates my entire apartment.

They had to get fumigated every year or so, as the pooches would invariably bring in ticks and bugs.

They might be referring to the fact he had a cat, but then I doubt people fumigate all apartments where the previous owner has a cat.

“I shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine and take it.

And then strawberries that require the soil to be fumigated with really nasty stuff like methyl bromate fungicide.

Before modern pesticides came along nicotine was used to fumigate greenhouses.

In the US, raw almonds are also fumigated with propylene oxide, a probable carcinogen.

This practice goes fairly far back in the literature.> Suffumigation, by definition, means "to fumigate from below.

This idea is actually in the article:> Fumigation: Another theory posits that the fires were used for sanitary reasons to smoke or fumigate a building, in order to get rid of pests, disease, insects, and/or witches.

Fumigate definitions


treat with fumes, expose to fumes, especially with the aim of disinfecting or eradicating pests

See also: fume