Frisson in a sentence as a noun

I started to use frisson to deal with stress and anxiety.

It's actually a way I can tell I'm stressed, if music that should cause me to frisson doesn't.

Side note: I wish some deletionist hadn't removed the WP page for "frisson".

I just got bit by this recently...there used to be an excellent article on frisson in WP.

>I also frisson to musicI think this is pretty common.

Seeing photos of the streets around my block at the time when you could see horizon and ruins... frisson.

But a bit like a drug, you can "get used to" a passage till you've lost the ability to frisson to it.

I had never heard the word 'frisson' before, and I had no idea that some people didn't do it to music.

Now, because it's gone, most pages that document frisson are now calling it "cold chills" and referring back to WP.

I started to mentally categorize music by how much of a frisson it could create.

Most non-frissoners just think it's "extreme enjoyment of music" but it's quite distinct and different.

Any citations for it only being a few percent of the population who can experience frisson?

Later I started to learn that if I over frissoned to the same musical passage it would eventually lose the effect.

Speaking as someone who did a lot of competitive public speaking back in the day, the frisson of "panic" just before you start is your friend.

"Speaking as someone who did a lot of competitive public speaking back in the day, the frisson of "panic" just before you start is your friend.

It's rare enough that I've never met another person face-to-face who I was aware was a fellow frissoner.

I "frisson" to music often, and I had always assumed that everyone else felt the same sensation with their favorite music or other art.

The frisson experience begins as a flexing of the skin in the lower back, rising upward, inward from the shoulders, up the neck, and sometimes across to the cheeks and onto the scalp.

Every time I do it, I get a slight frisson, imagining myself sticking 2 fingers up at an oncoming army full of tutting, hissing, ponytailed-and-bearded turtlenecked Apple fanboys, all crying out for my head, "Burn the Windows-loving witch!

Frisson definitions


an almost pleasurable sensation of fright; "a frisson of surprise shot through him"

See also: shiver chill quiver shudder thrill tingle