Fresco in a sentence as a noun

The only two deaths from raw milk in the last 20 years were traced back to bad queso fresco.

I'd like to add the rest of the museum seemed really good and very relaxing since most people just wanted to see this famous fresco.

If you spilled paint on a canvas and accidentally produced a fresco by Raphael, it would be considered one of the wonders of the world.

Fresco in a sentence as a verb

The fresco was restored 1980-1994, without the added loincloths, but a couple of the figures were actually heavily modified and impossible to restore.

If there's a 3cm air gap, why don't they just go in from the top/bottom/sides?And did they really drill holes in Vasari's fresco, or just use a neutron thingy, like the NY Times articles says?

Fresco definitions


a mural done with watercolors on wet plaster


a durable method of painting on a wall by using watercolors on wet plaster


paint onto wet plaster on a wall