Forgetful in a sentence as an adjective

Being forgetful about having a gun in your bag?

I'm quite forgetful, and I have a tendency to focus on one thing to the exclusion of others.

If I'm to continue to love it I have to live in a mind with forgetful acceptance or forced ignorance.

Not only that, but if I get lazy or forgetful and don't check for null in any one of those cases, my code could blow up at runtime.

Which other OTC medicines could being forgetful and accidentally taking a second dose cause death?

I think it would help, because it seems like many of these personal attacks are simply due to people being forgetful that it's not worth it to get into squabbles.

If you "fix" forgetfulness, and make memory of your actions eternal and immortal, you destroy second chances.

We really don’t recommend this, but if you’re really forgetful and really sure nobody would ever target your membership, this option exists.

Every time I've dealt with people from their recruiting department, even the very nice ones seemed forgetful, inattentive and poor at communication.

Every cop you walk by is already recording you, in a forgetful, hostile, and potentially hallucinatory medium.

What exactly do I gain from this over just clearing my local logs?As as security person these 'forgetful' services really bother me because people tend to claim that they offer the world but there is no way to actually guarantee any of it.

"I forgot my wife's birthday" suddenly implies "I don't care about other people's emotions because I'm a psycho" instead of the explanation that is probably more sensible, namely "I can be forgetful sometimes".Maybe he should revisit his initial hypothesis that brain scans are quackery...

There are many things we men get blamed for that are truly just over generalized jokes, but i dont anyone to town over it...being forgetful...not being able to multitask...not being clean...all of these things dont mean anything unless they are being used to really abuse wife shoulkd be brought up on charges for all the "male bashing jokes" i am subjected to...and sadly, i hvae known women like you...the jokes against males, against whomever you see is a target of your angst is ok...but god forbid if anyone who has no control over you at all makes some sophmoric poop joke...then we must have his head on a platter for opressing your delicate sensibilities...

Forgetful definitions


(of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range; "a short memory"

See also: unretentive short


not mindful or attentive; "while thus unmindful of his steps he stumbled"- G.B.Shaw

See also: unmindful mindless


failing to keep in mind; "forgetful of her responsibilities"; "oblivious old age"

See also: oblivious