Folderol in a sentence as a noun

But they can do that anyway, even if they have all the licenses and other folderol.

The task of reading coffee-table folderol is much easier than having to actually rethink what you know when you read works that have stood the test of time.

A reasonable person, particularly one who happens to be an attorney, would not have pursued such folderol.

What "cruft" is there for anyone to see?With the pull-request model, there's a lot of Github-specific folderol necessary to accomplish the same task.

I used to read such books in the pursuit of being an "intellectual," then picked up Marcus Aurelius and realized how puerile all the coffee-table folderol really is.

There's none of the other folderol about profit motive or fiduciary duty or the other pressures on megacorps to act unethically.

If you're trying to recruit more participants, or encourage an open-source project to open itself up to more participants, why on earth would you adopt a workflow which requires more up-front folderol on the part of the patch submitter?

As I mentioned in another reply, I think it's possible that if this a la carte model had taken off, there would have been successful pressure to go DRM-free just the way that there had been for music, although your mention of region-locking brings up that whole "international rights" folderol that's still with us even in the streaming world, so...

Folderol definitions


nonsensical talk or writing

See also: rubbish tripe trumpery trash wish-wash applesauce codswallop