Foamy in a sentence as an adjective

Sift in the baking powder and whisk until foamy.

It looks pretty good, but still, I think some of these examples look really foamy, and not like real snow.

But you have a different set of tools and I'm not foamy about your choices, and I never will be.

I don't need a foamy mess all over my face, just need the smooth glide the conditioner offers.

Your pour-over/Aeropress/etc process will have a foamy head much taller than you've ever seen.

The experience of hand-washing clothes in a foamy bucket gave the impression that the soap was more effective.

I see people carrying around these ridiculous brightly colored foamy brick-ish things that are iPhones in cases, and I wonder why they would put up with that.

There is scant evidence that the formation of foamy lather has a significant effect on the removal of soil from clothing.

Some rural towns with a tradition in dairy production can give you a pleasant surprise if you're looking for that creamy taste with a foamy light texture.

It's meant to appeal to the frenzied foamy intersection of pro-Apple and anti-Krugman maniacs.

The point is a little later: "The crowded folds of the skirt reorganize themselves, sometimes explosively, into foamy magnetic bubbles.

So, at the Planck scale, one would expect that space-time would not be smooth and thta you would have spontaneous appearance of quantum fluctuations that would give your space-time a foamy structure.

Just to add a little bit of color, the water and gasses trapped in the lava do come out as it cools and form pockets and foamy holes, but definitely nothing as dramatic as shown in the tape.

The more opposition to gay rights can be associated with over-the-top hate groups like these, the more people will associate opposition to gay rights with foamy-mouth bigotry.

There's a certain amount of foamy fulmination at "predatory trading," but nowhere is there any evidence suggesting that Barclays's institutional clients were actually harmed by it.

Foamy definitions


producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease; "the rabid animal's frothing mouth"

See also: foaming frothing


emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation; "bubbling champagne"; "foamy (or frothy) beer"

See also: bubbling bubbly foaming frothy effervescing spumy