Flyspeck in a sentence as a noun

Oh, look, there are some flyspecks at the top of columns of rain.

Odd contrast between the garishly huge "no" and the flyspeck-sized body of the page

Even Perth is a megapolis compared to that beautiful flyspeck.

Flyspeck in a sentence as an adjective

Not using flyspeck grey fonts on light gray background in a tiny column on a vast screen is more important for readability than it seems.

If they allocate memory for each flyspeck of a 200 GB file and also create and change a reference counter for it, nobody should be surprised about the low performance.

Flyspeck definitions


a tiny dark speck made by the excrement of a fly


very small; "diminutive in stature"; "a lilliputian chest of drawers"; "her petite figure"; "tiny feet"; "the flyspeck nation of Bahrain moved toward democracy"

See also: bantam diminutive lilliputian midget petite tiny